To listen to today’s reflection as a podcast, click here In The Princess Bride, Westley, the humble Farm Boy, returns to reclaim Buttercup, his true love. But he no longer looks like Farm Boy. He is wearing a black mask and introduces himself as the Dread Pirate Roberts. In short order, however, we learn that Westley is not the real Dread Pirate Roberts. He’s… Read more »
To listen to this reflection as a podcast, click here. Author Martha Grace Reece once interviewed a woman who had sat in the front row of her church choir every Sunday for 30 years. “Why do you go to church? What do you get out of it?” Her husband of 35 years had just died slowly and painfully. Horror stories pocked her memories of… Read more »
To listen to this reflection as a podcast, click here. It’s that time of year again. Why do we break out scary masks every Halloween, pretending to be demons, vampires, ghouls, or one of the Kardashians? The best guess of historians is that Halloween is the semi-Christianized version of an ancient Celtic festival on October 31-November 1 called Samhain (pronounced SAW-win) which marked the… Read more »
The woman in the silver SUV laid on her horn. And closed in on the bumper of the guy in front of her. She was exasperated by his not-one-mph-above-the-speed-limit pace. As they approached the next intersection, the light turned yellow. Instead of accelerating, the guy in front hit his brakes. The woman pulled onto the shoulder, absolutely committed to… Read more »