To listen to today’s reflection as a podcast, click here Public speaking freaks a lot of people out. Jerry Seinfeld famously noted, “According to most studies, people’s number one fear is public speaking. Number two is death. Death is number two. Does that sound right? This means to the average person, if you go to a funeral, you’re better off in… Read more »
To listen to today’s reflection as a podcast, click here “Hi, I’m 11 and I want a record deal. Call me.” You have to say this about Taylor Swift: She has never lacked confidence. As a preteen hoping to break into the country music scene, she darted in and out of Nashville record companies while her mother and brother waited in… Read more »
To listen to this reflection as a podcast, click here. It’s Dandelion Explosion Season. About the time that daily temperatures hover in the mid-70s, countless trillions of dandelions suddenly begin to bloom. They thrive on all seven continents – even Antarctica. Historically, this member of the daisy family is prized as great medicine and great food. It turns out that dandelions are storehouses of pharmacologically… Read more »
To listen to this reflection as a podcast, click here. Sometimes hope is born in the darkest places. During the totalitarian regime of Josef Stalin, it was illegal to speak even a word against the government of the Soviet Union. Political dissidents, artists, and “undesirables” were routinely seized and sent away to the gulags, which were forced-labor camps. More than a million never returned. One of… Read more »
To listen to this reflection as a podcast, click here. For something like a quarter century, a furniture store in my hometown of Indianapolis aired TV commercials that always began with the same 15 words. The announcer breathlessly rattled off these four sentences: You work hard for your money.Now spend your money smart.Be smart.Buy now! Each ad began with a video clip of someone… Read more »